AI's Impact on the Future of Healthcare
AI's Impact on the Future of Healthcare
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming healthcare, stirring both excitement and caution. As innovations emerge, challenges like the primary care shortage and data utilization become pressing. This exploration dives into AI's potential benefits and the looming questions surrounding authority, access, and the ethical implications of integrating AI in medicine's future.
AI's Impact on the Future of Healthcare
@ZakTheK3 weeks ago

AI and Healthcare THE MUDDY FUTURE
Zak Kohane Department of Biomedical Informatics Harvard Medical School October 4th, 2023
- · Why the excitement?
- · Reminder of a few of the potholes.
- · Interesting ways forward for infectious disease.
- POLRBA is a it is child's diagnosis of leukodystrophy; and POLR3-related leukodystrophy has also been linked to hearing loss in some patients.
- are less likely to be the causative gene in this case; although have been linked to various disorders, none seem to directly correspond to the diverse symptoms presented in this patient. they
- INSL3 has been linked to disorders of sex development, which could potentially the premature adrenarche in this case, but still would not account for other symptoms. explain
- · Deterministic.
- · Fully observed.
- · The action space is discrete .
- · Access to a perfect simulator (the game itself) , so the effects of any action are known exactly.
- · Each episode/game is relatively short .
- · E valuation is clear, fast and
- allows a lot of trial-anderror experience.
- · Huge datasets of human play .
- · NOT physiology
- · NOT disease course
- · NOT drug response
- · NOT surgery
- · Soâ¦. What might succumbâ¦? Which medical 'game' fits the criteriaâ¦.?
- as the combination of financial and non-financial factors such as quality outcomes patient safety; patient experience clinician experience, and access to care
- development of solutions; P piloting; $ scaling and adapting; M mature
- ED emergency department; OR operating room Source:Authors' analysis
- Positioning represents the direct cost category affected; second order effects may also reduce costs but are not estimated
- · AAMC report
- · Retirements getting worse with COVID and burnout.
- · Sea-change in healthcare with AI
- º Faster than regulation
- º Faster than education
- · Acceleration of clinical and basic research
- · Data + computational resources are obvious king.
- · Globalization paths
- · Increases dangers of non-quant data exploration.
- · Urgency of exploration by educators and science leaders


GTP cyclohydrolase I deficiency
L-Dopa Folinic Acid 5-hydroytryptophan
Walking, talking!

with leukodystrophy [a genetic disorder adrenarche [high production of "male" hormones], laryngeal cleft, hearing loss, and high blood pressure. What is the single most likely genetic diagnosis that includes one of the genes we found in whole exome sequencing to have INSL3. boy
on the information provided, the patient's phenotype. However, here are some thoughts based on the available information:

Trend in USLME over 2 years
US Medical Licensing Exam

Trial Path

Trainee path

Trochbearer Dr. House


When does Medicine succumb to AlphaZero?


25% of US Healthcare Costs

17,800 and 48,000

Not just a US Problem
'Due the NHS pressures and long waiting lists for procedures, Ukrainians living with families across the UK are taking the perilous trip back into a war zone where they are treated by doctors immediately despite Russian bombardments"

Ukrainian refugees give up on crisis-hit NHS and travel home to war zone for m:. People seeking safety in the UK from Russian missiles are making perilous 24 hour journey home to receive urgently needed healthcare because of long waits



4 weeks later: & medRxiv â¦Nature Digitial Medicine
Consortium for Clinical Characterization of COVID-19 by EHR
4CE is an international consortium for electronic health record (EHR) data-driven studies of the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal ~is to inform doctors, epidemiologists and the about COVID-19 patients with data acquired through the health care process. public
Phase 1 Results

Intcrnational Elcctronic Hcalth Rccord-Dcrivcd COVID-19
Kennech Mund L


SARS CoV-2 preprints from medRxiv and bioRxiv

Epic AI Helps Clinicians Predict When COVID-19 Patients Might Need Intensive Care
Warnings when patients with COVID-19 are deteriorating help clinicians quickly intervene

Changing Age Distribution of the COVID-19 Pandemic United States , May-August 2020

Fundamental antecedent questions to inform policy

DEPARTMENT OF Biomedical Informatics

DEPARTMENT OF Biomedical Informatics




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