Ashita Taneja_Resume.pdf
Ashita Taneja_Resume.pdf
Ashita Taneja_Resume.pdf
@jameswoz1 month ago
Product Designer and Illustrator
MA in Psychology,
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi
Graphic Designing,
Caba Innovative
Key Positions
Commerce Association
Led and managed a student body of over 1200 across six departments, fostering a sense of community.
Joint Secretary,
The Placement Cell
Successfully secured participation from 30 + companies, expanding recruitment opportunities.
Sk i ll s and T oo l s
- User R esearc
- Information Architectur
- W ireframe
- Prototypin
- Persona Creatio
- Card sortin
- J ourney M apping
- Testin
- R esponsive Design
- Storyboardin
- Design Syste
- User F lo w
- U X Audit
- U X W ritin
- Design Thin k in
- V isual Design
- D esi g n : F igma, Adobe Suit
- C o ll a b o r ation : Slac k , M ir
- P r oducti v ity : M icrosoft Office, Notio
- P r o j ect M ana g e m ent : Trello, J ira
H o bb ies
- R eading Self H elp Boo k
- Arts & Craf
- Photography
- Content Creation
AT W or k
tane j a.ashita @
91 80 76 8 5 0 4 3 7
Lin k edIn
Be Behance
M edium
W o rk E xp e r ience
F reelance Prod u ct Designer & I ll u strator
- F in T ec h I nno v ation : Designed & prototyped UIs for a Y Combinator-pitched F inTech product
- D esi g n S yste m Cr eation : Built a comprehensive design system for the E mber, ensuring consistent and scalable UI development
- UX R esea r c h & U se r E xp e r ience (UX) C o p y w r itin g: Conducted user research and analysis to refine U X copy w riting, to reduce bounce rate
- UX A udit & B r and O p ti m i z ation : Performed a U X audit & implemented improvements, leading to measurable conversion rate gains
- As an illustrator, created graphics and custo m i z a bl e i ll ust r ations, bringing visual concepts to life.
Senior Acco u nt Ex ec u ti v e, Socio w ash
( J uly 2022J une 2023)
- 360° M a rk etin g L eade r s h i p: Led & executed integrated mar k eting campaigns for TinderU, H ero Cycles, Primeboo k & more driving brand gro w th & client retention
- Developed a co mpr e h ensi v e G TM st r ate g y that resulted in a successful mar k et build-up and a 1 5 % increase in discovery
- E xecuted social media ca mp ai g ns as p e r r e q ui r e m ents, resulting in 2 5 % increase in brand satisfaction rate
- S t r ate g i z ed and secu r ed the social media management mandate for Anytime F itness, demonstrating client ac q uisition expertise.
A u dit Analyst, K P M G India
( J une 2021 to November 2021)
- Assessed the effectiveness of internal control procedures at Pine Labs, ensuring ad h e r ence to r e g u l ato r y standa r ds
- Analy z ed financial data, procedures, and reports to identify potential ris k s and ensure accu r ate docu m entation.
I nte r ns h i p s
Prod u ct Designer, W oovl y
Graphic Designer, Bloody Donut s
Designer , India Against Covid(IAC )
P r o j ects
- F rom scratch -W oo vl y ' s Cr eato r L andin g Pa g e -Case Stud
- Ed -tec h pl at f o rm for color vision deficient students -Case Stud
- C a r ee r C ounse ll in g & R ec r uit m ent -Brand Page for M apOut -Case Stud
- W oo vl y R e v a mp -Des k top & M obile -M edium Lin
- UX R esea r c h -Organi z ational Psychology Bac k ed -Chec k H er
- R ashmirathi -M ahabharata C once p t A r t -Part 1 & Part
- W e b site r e v a mp for Shar k Tan k featured @ alittleextra -Chec k H ere
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