Essential Guidelines for Volunteers
Essential Guidelines for Volunteers
Becoming a volunteer at Atholton Elementary is a rewarding opportunity, but it's crucial to understand the responsibilities that come with it. This training ensures all parent volunteers are well-informed about confidentiality policies, ethical standards, and best practices for supporting students and staff while fostering a positive, respectful environment.
Essential Guidelines for Volunteers
@BizFinEco3 weeks ago
Atholton Elementary Parent Volunteers and Confidentiality Training
- ·Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Atholton Elementary! We value our volunteers and the contributions they make to our students and school.
- ·This course will discuss important information for volunteering at Atholton Elementary.
- ·Additionally, according to HCPSS Board Policy, all parent volunteers must complete a Confidentiality Training Course about protecting the privacy of our students, staff, and schools.
- ·Please complete this course before volunteering this year at Atholton. The course takes about 5 minutes to complete.
- · Students' academic information (grades, test scores, transcripts)
- · Students' discipline or behavior (detentions, suspensions)
- · Students' health (trips to the nurse, medications)
- · Students' family information (parents' marital status, employment)
- · Staffs' discussions and comments about students
- · Any other information you hear or see about an individual student
- · Attitude: Please come to school with a good attitude, one that will say to the principal and teachers, "I'm glad you asked me to help you, " and one that will say to the boy or girl you ' re working with, "You are so special. I'm glad that I have an opportunity to work with you. '
- · Behavior: You are another role model for our students. Be sure to dress and act appropriately.
- · Dependability: Make a professional commitment--please be dependable. The teachers are planning activities for you and the students. Keeping your part of the bargain is very important. Please notify your school office if you cannot come.
- ·You will always work under the direction and supervision of a teacher or other member of the school staff. The relationship between the volunteer and the teacher is a professional one--one of the mutual respect and confidence.
- ·We want your volunteer work to be a learning activity for you so if you have questions as to policy and procedures, please ask the appropriate person--the teacher, or administration.
- ·We ask that you always sign in and out and wear your badge at all times while in the building .
- ·Please leave younger children at home and turn off cell phones, as your attention needs to be on the children and task.
- ·No food or drink in the classroom.
- ·Parent volunteering time is not a time for visiting or to hold parent conferences.
- · Safe Actions: It is a good practice to never be alone with a child, and to use verbal positive praise rather than touch to recognize good effort.
- · Support: As volunteers, you are a support to the staff
- members in the building. They are responsible for the education and discipline of the students at school. Therefore, follow the plan/instructions left for you and
- ·Requires service providers/volunteer to make a report if there is a reason to believe that abuse or neglect possibly occurred. Reports should be made without attempts to do any further investigation
- ·Provides immunity from civil liability or criminal penalty for a report made in good faith
- ·If needed, service providers/volunteers may consult with an administrator. Administrators cannot make the report to Department of Social Services on your behalf
- ·Make oral report immediately to Department of Social Services
- ·Follow up with written report (form) within 48 hours.
- · Tell an administrator that a report was filed
- ·Confidentiality (Policy # 9050)
- ·As noted earlier, as HCPSS staff we are bound by strict confidentiality guidelines which you agree to follow as volunteers.
- ·Wellness (Policy #9090)
- ·Please keep in mind the content of this policy. You can not bring any food items to share with children.
- ·Child Abuse and Neglect (Policy #1030)
- ·As service providers we are required to report any suspected abuse. You are another set of eyes and ears to help keep our students safe!
- ·Civility ( Policy #1000)
- ·This helps to remind us that an environment of mutual respect and civil conduct between and among students, school system employees, parents, volunteers, and the general public is critical to the achievement of students and staff.
- ·Weapons (Policy #9250)
- ·No weapons are allowed.
- ·Communicate any concerns to the administration.
- · Print the Certification Form
- · Sign and date the Certification Form
- · Bring the Certification Form to Atholton Elementary when you register to be a volunteer
- · Please print and complete a Certification Form for each school in which you have a student and want to volunteer
Thank you for volunteering
At HCPSS, we value our volunteers !
We also value keeping information about our students and their families
According to Federal Law, State Regulations, and HCPSS Polices
If you are working or volunteering in a school, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all private, sensitive, and personally identifiable information you may see or hear while volunteering.
Information you must keep confidential includes:
By certifying your completion of this module, you agree to keep confidential any and all private, sensitive, and personally identifiable information you may hear or see while volunteering in a
Howard County School.
Atholton's Volunteer Code of Ethics
Atholton's Volunteer Code of Ethics
· Communication:
Atholton's Volunteer Code of Ethics
· Respectful Actions:
Atholton's Volunteer Code of Ethics
communicate any behavioral concerns to the teacher.
MD State Law & HCPSS Policy 1030
Review Important Policies
(These can be found on the school system website at
Important Policies
(These can be found on the school system website at
*Pl ease p ri n t and c o mp l et e th i s fo r m fo r each school in whi ch yo u ha v e a ch i l d and ar e r e gi s t eri ng as a v o l un t eer . S u b mi t a co py of th i s fo r m when yo u re g i ste r at each school .
hear or see wh i l e v o l un t eeri ng in a H ow a r d Cou n ty Pu b l i c School .
I agr e e to k eep c o n f i den t i al al l pri v a t e, sen si ti v e, and per s onal l y i d en t i f i ab l e in f o rma t i on th a t I ma y
I ha v e c o mp l et e d th e Pa r e n t V o l un t eer s and Con f i den t i al i ty T r ai n i n g
By si gn i n g th i s fo r m , I certi fy th a t :
Pa r e n t V o lun t eer s and C on f iden tiality