Exercise: Career Mapping - Conducting an Inventory
Exercise: Career Mapping - Conducting an Inventory
Exercise: Career Mapping - Conducting an Inventory
@christine1 week ago

Career Mapping: Conducting an Inventory
Purpose Look back on your career journey to identify areas of expertise, skills, and : passions to uncover recurring patterns or themes.
By looking back on your career journey, it can provide clarity on the skills, talents and expertise you may be overlooking and reveal the patterns of what works best and what an be improved in your career and life. c
nstructions: I
- . 1 Write down the names of the companies and organizations you have worked for across your entire career. Include significant personal milestones, such as starting a business or taking a career break.
- 2. For each job role, consider and write down the following:
- · What did you love about this role? What are two things that went well?
- · What didn't work for you? What are two things that could have been better?
- · What skills and talents did you learn, grow, or refine during this career tage? s
Reflections :
- â Are there patterns in the roles, responsibilities, and activities that you enjoyed the most?
- â What skills and talents were you best at?
- â What lit you up about the work? What lit your colleagues up about your work?
Career Map Template
For each job role, map out the activities and responsibilities that energized and depleted ou? Do you see patterns across the roles? y


Reimagine Your Career: A Playbook for Designing Your Next Act
Women in mid to senior-level roles in tech are managing of isolation and loneliness. Its a struggle to navigate the demands of intense careers while also cultivating a fulfilling life outside of work. feelings
Lift Up Connections provides the peer community support, guidance, visioning, and leadership expertise to your whole to your work, reimagine whats possible, and cultivate your authentic voice. self bring
Next cohort begins on February 11, 2025
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