Exercise: Experience Sampling
Exercise: Experience Sampling
- The exercise aims to deepen self-awareness and identify patterns in daily work and life experiences.
- For two weeks, maintain a journal or use a notes app to log daily work and life activities, listing major activities and experiences.
- At the end of each day, reflect on the most energizing and draining parts of the day.
- After two weeks, review entries for patterns and revisit/refine Career Mapping insights.
- Reflect on trends in energy levels across different activities, their alignment with your career path, and adjustments to prioritize energizing activities.
Exercise: Experience Sampling
@christine1 week ago

ournaling and J
Experience Sampling
Purpose Deepen self-awareness and identify patterns in your daily work and life : experiences. The act of observing your daily work provides insight into what energizes or drains you.
Keep a careful record of what you did each day and how you felt about it. This is ' what the Experience Sampling Method accomplishes. It is possible, after a week, to have a good idea of how you spend your time and how you feel about various activities.'
- -Mihaly Czikszentmihali, Creativity: The Psychology of Discovery and Invention' ' 2013) (
nstructions I :
- . 1 For two weeks, keep a journal or use a notes app to log daily work and life activities.
- · ist of major daily activities and experiences L
- 2. At the end of each day, reflect on:
- · What was the most energizing part of your day? What engaged you? What lled your cup? When was time flying by? fi
- · What was the most draining part? What sucked your energy?
- · Review your entries for patterns
- · Use these patterns to revisit and refine your Career Mapping insights and akeaways from Exercise 1 on page 2 t
- â What trends do you notice in your energy levels across different activities?
- â How do these observations align or misalign with your current career path?
- â What adjustments could you make to prioritize more energizing activities?
3. After two weeks:

Reimagine Your Career: A Playbook for Designing Your Next Act
Women in mid to senior-level roles in tech are managing of isolation and loneliness. Its a struggle to navigate the demands of intense careers while also cultivating a fulfilling life outside of work. feelings
Lift Up Connections provides the peer community support, guidance, visioning, and leadership expertise to your whole to your work, reimagine whats possible, and cultivate your authentic voice. self bring
Next cohort begins on February 11, 2025
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