Interaction Design for Recommender Systems

Interaction Design for Recommender Systems

1 month ago 252

This article explores the interaction design of recommender systems, focusing on user needs, system transparency, and the role of familiar recommendations. Based on studies of various online systems, it provides insights into what constitutes effective user interaction and offers design guidelines to enhance user satisfaction and trust in these systems.

Interaction Design for Recommender Systems

@jonathan1 month ago

Interaction Design for 
Recommender Systems
Kirsten Swearingen, Rashmi Sinha
School of Informati…
Our study methodology incorporates a mix of quantitative 
and qualitative techniques. For both of …
graphics, and user instructions, types of input required, and 
information displayed with recommen…
How many Items to Rate?
A few systems ask the user to enter only 1 piece of 
information to recei…
they did not like being forced to name the single genre they 
preferred, feeling that their tastes…
also like to look at the album cover. This often serves as a 
visual reminder for any previous exp…
ratings. For example, many of our users were frustrated by 
Amazon’s recommendations that were alb…
system needs to convey to the user its inner logic and why a 
particular recommendation is suitabl…
items that suit their tastes, they are not immediately willing 
to commit any resources. In additi…
Appendix. Recommender System Comparison Chart
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Interaction Design for Recommender Systems

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