Navigating BTC: From Mining to Trading
Navigating BTC: From Mining to Trading
The rise of Bitcoin has ushered in a new era in finance, challenging traditional banking concepts. This exploration delves into BTC's fundamental algorithms, mining processes, exchanges, and wallets, while uncovering the intertwined relationship of crypto-assets with the global economy. Engage with the innovations driving this digital currency and its potential to reshape financial landscapes.
Navigating BTC: From Mining to Trading
@financepresentations4 weeks ago
Introduction of BTC - Overview the concept of BTC and its current eco-system
Yaacov Kopeliovich
- · BTC Algorithm and its applications to finance
- · BTC Mining - PoW
- ·
- BTC Exchanges
- · BTC Wallets
- · BTC Price Performance
- · BTC forks and concept of free money
- · BTC Extensions - Etherium and Ripple
- · We trust the Centralized Hubs like Banks and Investment Companies to Perform the following main functions:
- · Keep an orderly ledger of our debits and credits ( Ordering Financial Transactions)
- · Prevent malicious states where one person can send multiple checks to many accounts without having funds to cover them in his own account.
- · Until the financial crisis it was an accepted truth that trust couldn't function peer to peer and we need a centralized hub.
- · In January 2009 a whitepaper appeared that revolutionized this field as we know it
- · The anonymous author made the clever observation that trust will not be needed if EVERYBODY would participate in one giant public ledger.
- · How do we verify somebody's identity online?
- · Suppose I like to track whether Assaf entered his office.
- ·
- I can track his computer office remotely and every time he comes I record his logging in and out from his office computer
- · I don't know Assaf's password to know that he is in his office.
- · The idea of digital verification is very close to Assaf's example.
- · To accomplish that we generate a pair of strings ( called keys)
- · One string we publish for everybody to see
- · One is Kept Private
- · Find the public key address of the person we like to send BTC too
- · Use our private key to encrypt the message : We are sending so many BTCs to this public key.
- · Anybody with our public key can decrypt our message and verify that we sent the transaction.
- · Is it black magic? - How can you decrypt the message without knowing private keys?
- · Think about squaring and extracting square roots. One is easy and one is harder.
- · Yet if somebody gives you a square root you can verify the solution easily
1. Overview
Size of market


2. Disclaimer

What I am not going to do in this talk is to express my opinions about crypto-assets. I am not going to recommend investing in BTC and other Crypto-Assets. Invest in your own peril if you have decided to do it.

3. Overview
Size of market
Why do we need Financial Institutions?
1. Overview
Size of
Trust without a middle man - make all transactions public
1. Overview

Verifying Identity Online - Digital Signatures
1. Overview

Verifying Identity Online - Digital Signatures
1. Overview

Verifying Identity Online - Digital Signatures
To send payment to somebody we perform the following actions:
1. Overview