PptxGenJS Presentation
PptxGenJS Presentation
PptxGenJS Presentation
@pacificleo1 month ago
Human Computer Interaction
beautiful ai
- Meaning
- Ingredients
- 2 History
- 3 Why HCI -UX Matters
- Case Study
- 5 Practice
What is Design?
What is to (Good) design ? key
What we will be discussing ?
beautiful ai
beautiful ai
Interaction Needs an Interface.
What is an interface ?
Interface exists at the boundaries of two systems who need to communicate with each other.
What is an interface ?
Diffrent Systems, Different Interfaces
Diffrent Systems Different Interfaces
Diffrent Systems Different Interfaces
So How diffrent are the systems of Humans" and Computers' 2
Through the looking Glass
Computational Analogy
Computational Analogy
beautiful ai
Systems are shaped by their history
{Cognitive}Evolution of Humans
{Cognitive}Evolution of Humans
beautiful ai
{Cognitive}Evolution of Humans
beautiful ai
Evolution of Computers
Evolution of Interaction
Evolution of Interaction
Evolution of Human Computer Interaction
Why Interface Matters ?
Tyranny Of Interface
Tower Of Babel
How GOD sub ordinated humans
Al -Apocalypse
How We Domesticated Wolves
Whats Next ?
Why Humans rule over APE
how to use this ?
Or These?
Computational Analogy
beautiful ai
Ingredient of UX
What Makes A good User Experience
Can't see through; 0 visibility
Useless can't even see through it
By on Aug 13, 2020
Aug 26, 2020
Disappointed with the misrepresentation, the way how it looks on amazon compared images below. to reality you can't see through this at all. am returning it immediately.
You can't even see out of the shield. buy.
Cannot see through the plastic
on Aug 11, 2020
By Amazon Customer on Feb 12 2021
appears to be clear on the amazon site and on the actual box. This shield is not clear and you can't even see anything out of it. Im very disappointed after wa week for my shield iting
Cannot see anything through the plastic. Obviously got one of the defective ones ~just like the other reviews you see here
since last Update. Replacement mask still faulty. Will
are not wrongEven the stupidest and strangest things that people do have their indelible own logic. You have to know people behave as they do foibles and limitations; rather than some ideal. they why
Empathy in product design means : Product should be designed for its user not for the designer's idea of the user.
The in-box borrows its logic from your mail, and you probably at least glance at every piece of mail that's sent to because were all meant for you: email they '
The Instagram 'feed" or the Twitter 'stream are A stream rushes on even if you're not there to see; even when you're asleep: To say that information is a stream suggests that it's there for the taking if we wish to drink not that we have to require your personal attention
Why you find checking your email to be a chore while checking Facebook feels closer to messages to our friends on Facebook, while the same behavior is considered rude via
The different metaphors come prepackaged with their own etiquette The in-box is
to making an intuitive Interface is finding the right capability and deliver the experience. Metaphors provide us mental models for how things work. They make the foreign feel familiar, Key
metaphor for_personal computers_At the core of metaphors the Macintosh theiPhone touchscreen
A physicalldigital detail that tells a user how it is supposed to be color of a button which tells whether it's enabled or not. A good affordance is when user learning curve to understand system's capability.
Its difficult to clearly communicate affordance technology_upgrades_No change is as intutive as designer thinks
Feedback is the language by which the machine speaks to the user.
BAD UX happens at the intersection of machine and user when we diverge from users' mental models We fix it is by creating immediate and unambiguous feedback.
Human behavior is a design
When most tech is powered by voice. Buttons will disappear.
Our understanding of the be psychological. it will be very important that how a product makes us feel.
Our mental models will tell us what a machine can do.
~ASAP ROCKY; Praise The Lord (Da Shine)
Start with ignorance. End with understanding: Knowledge is the bridge.
You don't find a future in your head. You found it in already around you; in the gaps of the world.
Negotiate boundaries but do it with empathy.
Case Study Time to put it in practice
Have A Look Around You
Choose A Goal to (Re) Design Surrounding for