Reimagine Your Career in 2025
Reimagine Your Career in 2025
- Offers exercises and reflection prompts to help individuals envision and design their next career chapter.
- Includes techniques like career mapping, journaling, and gathering feedback from trusted colleagues to identify strengths and areas for growth.
- Emphasizes the importance of aligning career goals with core values and addressing limiting beliefs that may be holding individuals back.
- Encourages visioning and creating narratives for different potential future paths to identify exciting opportunities.
- Provides guidance on building and strengthening professional relationships to create a supportive network.
Reimagine Your Career in 2025
@christine3 weeks ago
Reimagine Your Career

2025 Reflection Exercises
Christine Perfetti
- . 1 Write down the names of the companies and organizations you have worked for across your entire career. Include significant personal milestones, such as starting a business or taking a career break.
- 2. For each job role, consider and write down the following:
- · What did you love about this role? What are two things that went well?
- · What didn't work for you? What are two things that could have been better?
- · What skills and talents did you learn, grow, or refine during this career tage? s
- â Are there patterns in the roles, responsibilities, and activities that you enjoyed the most?
- â What skills and talents were you best at?
- â What lit you up about the work? What lit your colleagues up about your work?
- -Mihaly Czikszentmihali, Creativity: The Psychology of Discovery and Invention' ' 2013) (
- . 1 For two weeks, keep a journal or use a notes app to log daily work and life activities.
- · ist of major daily activities and experiences L
- 2. At the end of each day, reflect on:
- · What was the most energizing part of your day? What engaged you? What lled your cup? When was time flying by? fi
- · What was the most draining part? What sucked your energy?
- · Review your entries for patterns
- · Use these patterns to revisit and refine your Career Mapping insights and akeaways from Exercise 1 on page 2 t
- â What trends do you notice in your energy levels across different activities?
- â How do these observations align or misalign with your current career path?
- â What adjustments could you make to prioritize more energizing activities?
- . 1 dentify 2-3 people you trust and feel safe with and would expect honestly and I andor, such as mentors, colleagues, and friends c
- 2. Reach out to connect with them. Say: "I'm reflecting on my career and deciding on next steps as I move forward. I would value your insights and would love 30 minutes of your time.'
- 3. n the conversation, ask: I
- · What did you perceive as my biggest strengths?
- · Where was I most effective?
- · n what areas did I have the greatest impact? I
- · What could I have done better? In what ways could I have been more effective?
- 4. Share your assessment from Exercise 1: The Career Mapping Exercise
- · Are there any of the skills and peak experiences that resonated based on our experience working with me? y
- · What skills and talents did I miss?
- â What feedback surprised you the most during your conversations?
- â What recurring themes or insights emerged from the feedback?
- â How might you act on the insights you've gained?
- . 1 Begin with a list of 125 core values
- 2. Circle the 15 that resonate most strongly
- 3. Narrow down to your top 5
- â How well does your current work and life align with your core values?
- â How do these values show up in your life and work? How do they guide your decisions?
- â What changes could you make to better align with your values?
- â How might your values guide your future career and life decisions?
- . 1 Envision "The Amazing Life You've Already Planned"
- · Visualize continuing on your current career trajectory
- · Where are you in five years?
- 2. Envision "The Wildly Audacious Life"
- · Reflect on your biggest, boldest dreams. If success was guaranteed, what would you pursue?
- 3. Create a vision collage:
- · Use magazines, digital tools, or drawings to depict the feelings associated with both of the paths
- · Compare: What insights and feelings come up when exploring these two paths side by side?
Reimagine Your Career in 2025

Welcome to the start of 2025!
designed this guide as a complement to my six-week Reimagine Your Career course I and peer group Connection Councils program.
have provided exercises, templates, and reflection prompts to help you to begin your I ourney of envisioning and designing your next chapter. j
hope you use this guide to reflect on your strengths and values, and create actionable I next steps for achieving your career and life goals.

Christine Perfetti CEO, Lift Up Connections

Career Mapping: Conducting an Inventory
Purpose Look back on your career journey to identify areas of expertise, skills, and : passions to uncover recurring patterns or themes.
By looking back on your career journey, it can provide clarity on the skills, talents and expertise you may be overlooking and reveal the patterns of what works best and what an be improved in your career and life. c
nstructions: I
Reflections :
Career Map Template
For each job role, map out the activities and responsibilities that energized and depleted ou? Do you see patterns across the roles? y


ournaling and J
Experience Sampling
Purpose Deepen self-awareness and identify patterns in your daily work and life : experiences. The act of observing your daily work provides insight into what energizes or drains you.
Keep a careful record of what you did each day and how you felt about it. This is ' what the Experience Sampling Method accomplishes. It is possible, after a week, to have a good idea of how you spend your time and how you feel about various activities.'
nstructions I :
3. After two weeks:

The Listening Tour
Purpose Gain new perspectives of your strengths and areas for growth by scheduling : onversations with c people who know you well and have helped you at specific stages in our career, y
By hearing from people who know you and have worked with you before, it shines a light on strengths and skills you may have forgotten or overlooked.
nstructions I :
Reflection Prompts :

Core Values Assessment
Purpose Clarify your guiding values, principles and priorities. :
our values act as a compass-when you know them, you can better navigate decisions Y and align your life."
nstructions I :
Reflection Prompts :
Core Values List

nitiative I
Note: The majority of the values from this list were compiled from James Clear's core
alues list and Brené Brown's core values list from her excellent book, 'Dare to Lead.' v

The Vision Collage: Designing Your Next Chapter
Purpose Imagine two possible future paths for your career and life :