The Fine Art of Seeking Mentorship
The Fine Art of Seeking Mentorship
The Fine Art of Seeking Mentorship
@dchucks1 week ago
What Way
Seeking Mentorship
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The Anecdote
Early in career regarded my boss as my mentor. often sought her advice; cribbed about challenges; and hoped she would my
One was shocked when she forwarded monthly routine of cribbing:' day
realized she wasn't ready_or willing_to mentor me
was unknowingly leeching onto her for
confused a boss-subordinate relationship with mentorship:
didn't recognize her lack of interest or readiness to mentor.
Lessons Learned
Don't Assume Readiness: Not everyone wants or is prepared to mentor. to
Be Strategic: Focus on specific; occasional
Seek Willing Mentors: Look for those who genuinely show interest in your growth:
Not everything is meant for your boss or mentor.
colleaguea safe space to vent, share frustrations; or discuss grapevine chatter.
This helps you channel emotions and avoid saying things that could harm your
Advice for Seeking Mentorship
Start with small, thoughtful interactions
Approach with focused questions; and
Look for guidance from multiple sources
Not every boss is a mentor.
Not every frustration needs to reach your mentor.
Recognize the roles of people around you
Mentorship is about mutual respect and shared growth:
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