The Unseen Hand: Drones and the Nature of War
The Unseen Hand: Drones and the Nature of War
A classic military mind (Carl von Clausewitz, renowned author of On War, Principals of War, and War, Politics, and Power) gives his take on the transformative implications of drones to modern warfare.
The Unseen Hand: Drones and the Nature of War
@war_nerd1 month ago
The Unseen Hand: Drones and the Nature of War
Carl von Clausewitz Major-General Russian-German Legion

War is an act of force, intended to compel our enemy to submit to our will. This principle; though immutable, 1 must now contend with technology: Drones alter the form, 1 but not the core motive of armed struggle.

The fricon of w ar is ever present. However, these drones introduce a new kind of fricon; the y extend the reach of combatants, blurring the tradional lines of the ba le field. This must affect planning and the use of resources.

Drones offer the tempting possibility of a bloodless; precise conflict. But this is mere illusion! Their deployment; like all aspects of warfare_ 1 comes with unforeseen consequences, uncertainties, and the potential for escalation.
These devices present the capability to strike far beyond the reach of physical armies. This presents the opportunity for greater speed and greater destructive capacity; it also presents the potential for terrible miscalculation. yet

crucial. Drones grant unparalleled observation. Their all-seeing eyes provide opportunities for a clearer picture of the enemy; this visibility does not guarantee a swift victory; as many think. yet
The of war' does not advent of new technology. Human decision-making remains paramount. The machine can gather intelligence _ leader can use the 'fog

The strength of a its power; its vulnerability must also be considered. Drones, though swift, are not invulnerable to counterattack. This opens up a new kind of technological contest.
The introduction of drones affects the character of war; forcing a re-evaluation of strategy and tactics. We must assess these implements of destruction; not simply admire their ingenuity; lest we fall into their trap.

War, in its essence 1 remains a complex and human endeavor. Drones, like any are simply a means to an end. The political object still dictates the manner of battle, even in this modern age.

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