US-China Tariff Rates: An Overview
US-China Tariff Rates: An Overview
This document provides an extensive overview of the evolving tariff landscape between the US and China, highlighting critical updates on trade relations, recent tariff adjustments, and the implications for both economies. It breaks down historical data and future projections, shedding light on the complexities of international trade amidst the ongoing trade war.
US-China Tariff Rates: An Overview
@Blockchainboss2 days ago
US-China trade war tari/ffs: An up-to-date chart
a. US-China tari/ff rates toward each other and rest of world (ROW)
b. Percent of US-China trade subject to trade war tari/ffs
February 7
US Section 201 tari/ffs on solar panels and washing machines
March 23
US Section 232 tari/ffs on steel and aluminum, temporarily exempting Argentina, Australia, Brazil, EU, Canada, Mexico, and South Korea
April 2
China's retaliation to US Section 232 tari/ffs
May 1
China's MFN tari/ffs cut on pharmaceuticals
January 1
China suspends retaliation against US autos and parts (Section 301) and reduces MFN tari/ff rates for 2019
February 7
US Section 201 tari/ffs reduced on solar panels and washing machines in second year of policy
May 20
US exempts Canada and Mexico from Section 232 tari/ffs on steel and aluminum in exchange for both agreeing to VERs
January 1
China adjusts MFN tari/ff rates for 2020, and US reduces tari/ffs on imports from Japan under US-Japan Trade Agreement
February 7
US Section 201 tari/ffs reduced on solar panels and washing machines in third year of policy
February 8
US Section 232 tari/ffs extended to imports that use aluminum and steel
January 1
China adjusts MFN tari/ff rates for 2021, and US reduces tari/ffs on imports from Japan under US-Japan Trade Agreement
January 14
US adjusts Section 301 tari/ffs on selected imports from European Union related to Airbus dispute
January 1
China adjusts MFN tari/ff rates for 2022; US Section 232 tari/ffs on imports of steel and aluminum from the European Union converted to a tari/ff-rate quota
February 7
US Section 201 tari/ffs reduced on solar panels and washing machines in fifth year of policy (solar panels had received an extension)
January 1
China's MFN tari/ffs cut on selected products, e/ffective MFN tari/ff increased on frozen chicken under conversion from special to ad valorem rate
June 1
US ends Section 232 steel and aluminum tari/ff exemptions for EU, Canada, and Mexico. (Argentina, Brazil, and South Korea had earlier agreed to quotas)
July 1
China's MFN tari/ffs cut on consumer goods, autos, and IT products
July 6
US Section 301 tari/ffs of 25% ($34 billion, List 1) and China's retaliation ($34 billion)
August 13
US Section 232 tari/ff increase from 25% to 50% on imports of steel from Turkey
May 21
US reduces Section 232 tari/ff on steel imports from Turkey from 50% to 25%
US Section 301 tari/ffs (10% to 25% increase on List 3, e/ffective June 15) and China's retaliation on some US products (subset of $60 billion, e/ffective June 1)
July 1
China's MFN tari/ffs cut on IT products
February 14
US Section 301 tari/ffs of 15% imposed on September 1, 2019 (List 4A) cut to 7.5%, and China's retaliatory tari/ffs imposed on September 1, 2019 cut in half
March 5
US adjusts Section 301 tari/ffs on selected imports from European Union related to Airbus dispute
July 1
China's MFN tari/ffs cut on IT products
February 7
US Section 201 tari/ffs reduced on solar panels and washing machines in fourth year of policy (washing machines had received an extension)
US suspends Section 301 tari/ffs on selected imports from European Union (March 11) and United Kingdom (March 4) related to Airbus dispute
April 11
US Section 232 tari/ffs on imports of steel from Japan converted to a tari/ff-rate quota
May 1
China's MFN tari/ffs cut to zero on coal
February 7
US Section 201 tari/ffs reduced on solar panels in sixth year of policy; Section 201 tari/ffs on washing machines expire
US Section 301 tari/ffs of 25% ($16 billion, List 2) and China's retaliation ($34 billion)
August 23
September 24
US Section 301 tari/ffs of 10% ($200 billion, List 3) and China's retaliation ($60 billion)
November 1
China's MFN tari/ffs cut on industrial goods
September 1
US Section 301 tari/ffs of 15% (subset of $300 billion, List 4A) and China's retaliation on some US products (subset of $75 billion)
October 18
US imposes Section 301 tari/ffs on selected imports from European Union after WTO authorization in Airbus dispute
August 16
US reimposes Section 232 tari/ff of 10% on certain aluminum products from Canada
September 1
US eliminates re-imposed Section 232 tari/ff of 10% on certain aluminum products from Canada
May 1
China's MFN tari/ffs cut on some steel products
July 1
China's MFN tari/ffs cut on IT products
June 1
US Section 232 tari/ffs on imports of steel and aluminum from the United Kingdom converted to a tari/ff-rate quota
July 1
China's MFN tari/ffs cut on IT products
April 1
China's MFN tari/ffs on coal revert to higher, binding rate
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MFN = most favored nation; VER = voluntary export restraint; WTO = World Trade Organization
Trade-weighted average tari/ffs computed from product-level (six-digit Harmonized System) tari/ff and trade data, weighted by exporting country's exports to the world in 2017. US tari/ffs on ROW exports treated as unchanged whenever Section 232 tari/ffs on steel or aluminum were converted to quotas, VERs, or tari/ff-rate quotas.
Constructed by Chad P. Bown with data from UN Comtrade, Trade Map and Market Access Map (International Trade Centre,, as well as announcements from China's Ministry of Finance and the US Trade Representative.